After having decided to write a personal blog the next question in front of me was where to start. Being a bit introvert kind of person I find it bit difficult to express my feelings and thoughts even through an indirect medium such as blogs. While I was thinking about what should I write in my first post an idea came to me. Before I tell you about what that idea was, I would like to say something about the mechanism by which an idea occurs. It occurs spontaneously, instantly. And we say that an idea "occurred" or "struck" to me. Because it comes by itself. We can't make it came. It will come when it has to. And it comes within a split of second. I read in the "The Tao of physics" that when Lord Buddha was meditating to gain the eternal knowledge about the universe, he spent many years in meditation, but he got all the knowledge in a particular moment within a split of second. It did not came gradually, it came in a flash. In his book "The Tao of Physics" the author compares this with the mechanism in which we understand a joke. When we listen a joke, there comes a certain moment at which we understand the essence of the joke and that makes us laugh. We don't explicitly analyze the joke step by step. We listen and suddenly understand it and laugh. I think something similar happens "idea strikes". Anyway the point is that an idea struck to me on how to start writing for my blog. The idea is that I should write about my likes and dislikes on blog. It is simple because every person has like and dislikes about almost everything we deal with in our day to daily life. We have likes and dislikes about films, music, food, company, people even thoughts. So after having decided to start my blog with my likes and dislikes the next question i now face is (again) where should I start ? Which of my likes or dislikes i should start with because many things come to my mind regarding this. By the way have you realized that without actually witting about any of my likes and dislikes i have already written good amount of stuff (being a computer engineer I had put data in place of stuff but while editing I realized stuff would be a better word) in this first post. So I have already started my blog. (My blog is up and running.) So actually my initial problem is over. I have already broken the ice (of writing my first post). So there no actual need to write about my likes and dislikes. But since you have taken efforts to read till this point, I wont disappoint you. I will keep my promise and write about my likes and dislikes in upcoming (I had put next in place of upcoming, but I am not sure if I will really talk about my likes and dislikes in the next post so I changed it to upcoming) posts.
[I know in above post I have used "likes and dislikes" many times and I understand it could be bit irritating to some readers. But as I am not a experienced writer or blogger please bear with me.]
[I know in above post I have used "likes and dislikes" many times and I understand it could be bit irritating to some readers. But as I am not a experienced writer or blogger please bear with me.]